Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Lone Ranger and Tonto Rode in Today.........
And helped me finish off the wood splitting project!

Damn. It's nice to have friends. KidK and NotsoGentleBen once again come through.

No, I never asked them for help. They just found out I was still slaving away at that wood pile and they showed up.
Hungover and all.

I had made big progress on that pile already but I still had a whole bunch of Big Ass Pieces that were way above my weight class and what I was gonna easily manage.
These two Cock Strong young dudes did the heavy lifting for a few hours and we got the whole pile finished!

I'd have still been out there next week if I were on my own.

Now it's simply a matter of gathering everything up and stacking it all in one good place. I haven't figured out exactly where that is yet but I have the hard part done so that's ok.

I'll say it again - It's good to have friends. I'm a damn lucky guy to have friends like this.

I really am fortunate and I know it.

Gratuitous Picture for a Tuesday Evening-