Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Vintage Motorcycle Days This Weekend !!!!!!!!!!

That's the Grand Marshal in the pic. Yep, Agostini. He'll be signing autographs - You can be sure, I'll be standing in line for one.

Like a little FanBoy.

Go ahead and laugh. I can take it.

15 World Championships.
122 GP victories
12 Isle of Man wins.

Yes indeed, I'm looking forward to going. It's about a 250 mile ride up to there, so I'm gonna have to get up early Friday and haul ass.

Chief, Surly's Dad and My Brother, is gonna meet me there around noon. If all goes well. You know how things like that go.
I just hope the weather holds up for the ride there.

You can tell this is an old picture. Check out the advertisers - Marlboro and Beretta. Smokes and Firearms! That's what we old Farts call - The Good Old Days.