Thursday, September 28, 2006

Jailhouse Tattoo's .............
The Lovely and Talented, QueenBuffness, just pointed out an interesting item that's being reported on the news Today.

A couple of years ago, a young local girl named Katie Collman was murdered.

Her Perp, one Anthony Stockelman, was convicted and sent to the Grey Bar Hotel for life. Not quite as it should be, but as good as was gotten.

Lot's of people get Tats in prison. It appears the Mr. Stockelman got a Tat.

Sleep tight DickHead.

UPDATE: I was over at Ace of Spades (One of my favorite spots) and some dipshit in the comments had the nerve to say that what happened to Mr. Stockelman - "This is not justice. This is barbarism. It should not be condoned."

Oh Sweet Jeebus. I just cannot understand how anyone could feel sorry for a genuine ShitMonkey like Stockelman. I wanna puke.