Thursday, December 02, 2010

The Social Contract..................
Is a quarterly publication that came to my attention via a
David Codrea @The National Gun Rights Examiner article on November 28th.

This edition is focused on the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). I have a pretty intense dislike of everything and everyone associated with the SPLC and have for a long time.
I went ahead and purchased a hard copy Basically free, shipping costs only) even though you can Read The Entire Issue free right here because I know me and I can see this becoming a reference later.

The magazine arrived today and while I'm only just started in I am very impressed already with the writing and footnotes. This is a nice magazine printed on nice heavy stock and well, they are already tearing the SPLC a new ass so what's not to like?

Notice I don't claim to be non-partisan here about my animus for the SPLC. I'm right up front with it, unlike say........the SPLC or NYTIMES.

Ok, just a quick note to anyone who may be interested. Good reading and I'm going back to it now.

Gratuitous Picture for a Thursday Afternoon-