Thursday, February 09, 2006

I Heard Him Whispering in My Ear Today......

Come to the Dark Side of Administration, Unk. It is your Destiny.

I interviewed for a new position at work this afternoon. A Supervisory Slot in the ER. Better hours and a step in the right direction for getting off night shift. No real reason why I shouldn't get it. This could - should be a good thing. At least I hope it is. We've got a really good crew in the ER at present and if I have to supervise anybody, this bunch would be my first choice, as they are all high speed and motivated to getting the job done already.

I've lost a few steps and can't keep up with most of the Kids anymore, so maybe it will be easier for me to just keep track of them. I don't know, I had mixed results with my own Kids. We'll see, I guess.

Lordy, this is gonna be a stretch. The only good news is that I already know - The Power of the Dark Side.

They told be my Light Saber will be in next week.