In Case You Were Wondering ..............
Where the hell I've been. I've just been busy and sorta letting this place go for the last couple of weeks.
I apologise to the 3 of you that read this crap. Just so much going on as of late. The computer has been giving me major fits too. I'm beginning to wonder how long this old bastid is gonna hold up.
Here's what's sitting on the Kitchen counter now that's been taking up some of my time -
I love baby Chicks. I had a pretty disappointing hatch. 10 of 21 eggs hatched. Of those 4 were majorly retarded.
Generally, temperature and/or humidity that's not consistently in the right range during the incubation period will cause that. I'm sure that's what happened this time too. My incubator is getting old and isn't as reliable as it once was.
Luckily for me, 3 of the Retards decided to die on their own right quick. The bad news is I had to cull 1 of them myself.
I hate doing that. And I never get used to it. I don't mind wringing the neck of a chicken I'm planning on eating, but Nuking a chick is not an easy thing for me. But it has to be done. Because sure as hell, the other birds will kill a Retard when they get older. I found that out the hard way and it's a hell of lot more humane for me to kill 'em than to have all the others peck it to death one day.
So we have 6 cute little chicks to add to the flock and that's a good thing.