is Getting
Back on
the Road
Again Soon.....
"A Garage ninja must prepare himself. You shall be tested. Are you ready? We shall see.?"
If you were ever a fan of the cheesy, Japanese king Fu/Karate films, then that shit will make sense. If not........... Oh well.
I've been sitting on this project for 6 months now. I started getting the garage cleaned and ready tonight. I'm gonna have to have a major purge and realignment of shit. The lawn mowers are going out to the barn for the winter for starters.
The Barn needs a major clean up too. That'll be coming soon also.
"One must be pure and have his mind free of all distractions, Grasshopper."
Yeah, I got some major work to do there to get my ninja on the right track. But I'm working on it.
I think I found a guy to help me sort this thing out. He's a Brit too. HIS ninja sounded pretty strong on the phone. Hopefully he can help me get this Bike back into shape without breaking the bank. I can see I'm gonna have to start looking for some overtime as it is. These projects have a tendency to have over runs comparable to say ........... that of your typical OHIO Class, nuclear missile submarine overhaul.
Gonna have to work on those economic ninja skills too it looks like. Doesn't matter. I've been draggin' my feet on this project for long enough. With a little luck, I could have the major work done and be riding it this Spring.I'll get some newer pics up in the near future.