Monday WTF?? Linkage..............
OK, I've been a bit of a slacker here the last few days. Between Night shift work and chores I've been a busy little Bee.
Remember that late planting of Beans I was betting on???
Well, we got a few-

Yes, crappy cellphone picture. Sorry about that. But I was surprised that we got as many as we did. Hell, I was surprised we got any at all before the frost killed them all.
I picked these last Friday. We had a hard frost that night and that would have nuked them anyway.
I have never picked beans this late in the season before and I got a kick out of picking beans in the last half of October. Sometimes a gamble pays off. The frost date for around here is something like, October 10th so I got lucky with planting them as late as I did. Yep, Win on that one.
In Other Food News -
If you eat Peanut Butter Better stock up!
"Get your peanut butter -- before prices soar" -
"NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- Brace yourselves, peanut butter lovers -- prices are set to spike following one of the worst peanut harvest seasons growers have seen in years.
Prices for a ton of runner peanuts, commonly used to make peanut butter, hit nearly $1,200 this week, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. That's up from just $450 per ton a year ago.
It won't be long before consumers see this price increase reflected on store shelves."
The Wife stocked up (12 jars) on Saturday at WalMart and she noted that the price had already increased on the WalMart brand by 60 cents a jar.
I eat the shit out of Peanut Butter so this is a big deal to me.
Plan accordingly.
Even if you're on food stamps, it's gonna cost ya.
Did you realize that the cost of the Food Stamp Program is up to 80 BILLION this year???
Damn. Must be part of the whole, "Hope and Change" thing I guess.
But don't worry. It'll all be good if you believe the SOB's in Washington, DC.
Here is some good news for once -
Anonymous Takes Down Massive Child Pornography Server, Leaks Usernames
"In a move that we can all get behind, hacker group Anonymous has announced that they have taken down a huge cache of child pornography and released 1,589 usernames of the website’s patrons. The action came as part of Operation Darknet, which targets illicit websites that are part of an unindexed and therefore unsearchable corner of the Internet.
The server in question is owned by Freedom Hosting, and apparently services over 40 child pornography websites. The largest of these, disturbingly called Lolita City, was said to contain over 100gb of child pornography."
I really don't know much about the Anonymous folks, but I am always happy to see this sort of justice done.
Kiddy Porn is as bad as it gets.
More later.
Gratuitous Picture for a Monday Night-