You Need Some Artwork, Losers ..................... Those of you who've been around here for awhile know I like Pinup Art. So here's two from the master, Mr. Vargas. I'm sure most of the males over the age of 35 or so, remember "The Vargas Girl" as a regular thing in Playboy Magazine as they were growing up.
You can admit it now. You're a grown up.
Here's two from one of my favorite artists, Gil Elvgren. 
Looks like a Benelli, Maybe?

The above from (I think).
We'll digress into a little different genre here with Old Dirty Comic Book Art.

Unfortunately, I do not remember where this came from.
How about an old Vespa ad?

OK this next one is a calendar Girl and not technically artwork. But Hey, it's Jayne Mansfield! From Amazing Motor Girls .

You can check out a shit load of Vespa calendar Girls and what not out HERE at this guys collection on his Flickr site.
Or you can go Scoot Culture for more cool shit like this great BSA Ad. Or should I say "A scintillating" BSA Ad.

I'll finish this with this one.
